Wednesday, December 16, 2009

One crazy Santa's elf

Hi, I can't say much! Got too much to do.
Am baking and sewing as well as the usual activities. I have sleeping bags to make for the gang (wanted to do back packs too, no time). Just to slow me down, I can't find my zip foot for the machine! So I am hand sewing them. Despite the time restrains, I'm actually enjoying the hive of activity. Don't they look cute? The little girl's dress material is from a breast feeding top of mine, I loved the fabric, but it just got too billowy now that we don't have boobie anymore. Thanks Hillary Lang, what a great pattern to make! Well, got to go, will be taking a break from the computer, and don't know if I'll get a chance to blog again. If I don't, Merry Christmas to you! All the best for a fruitful New Year! See you in Feb!


reb said...

Happy Mid-Summer solstice to you too (can't help it- it's the pagan in me), and may 2010 be a year of joy and happiness for you, lovely Weezie!
Beautiful dolls too!

simone said...

oh my they are just gorgeous weezie! Well done!

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

I lvoe teh dolls? was the pattern hard? Fiddley? have you seen the poppydolls? I think you might like them too...