Here they are:
What represents health better than a fat, breast fed baby (plus I had to squeeze a bub photo in somewhere). I can't remember how old he was there, 4 months maybe?
HAPPINESS (middle)
I saw these beautiful flowers on our walk yesterday, they were like an instant joy fix.....and smelled soooo good!
I like all three, but this one is my favourite at the moment! A fruitful 2010 would be great! The photo was taken....ohhh so long ago in Ecuador. Ecuador is so colourful, there is a great culture of murals, should have taken more photos! Please excuse top, a gift from mother in law.
So health, happiness, fruitfulness to me and mine, and you and yours (and I'd like some perfume from Perfect Potion too)
Thanks for the theme! And see more eye and spyers at bug and pop
Great wishes!! And love the baby photo..I miss those days!!
Fabulous wishes. I got a bit nostalgic at the breastfeeding bub too!
Love that photo in Equador! Reminds me a bit of that one I took of you in front of the Mirka Mora mural at Flinders St Station about a million years ago!
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