Hi Reb!
The fabric for the wall sounds lovely! As you can see, we now have some paintings up.
The photos aren't very good, as they are from my cel phone...but you get the idea.
The top photo is a before shot....before we had anything there.
You can also see the beginnings of my veggie patch.....its an old photo, I now have mint and parsely...not that it grows very big, due to lack of light!
The paintings were given to us by Michel's dad. A friend painted them for him. They are lovely, one is a scene from a typical northern France village square, the other is the artist's interpretation of Michel's dad's patisserie..I like it because there are lots of little cakes and pasteries in the window!
Simone......if you are out there! It's time to come home. You have been away long enough and I want you home! Everyday, when I walk past your flat, I wonder how you are doing and whether you are back yet!
HI Louise,
I'll get on to the fabric thing for you when I get back to Melbourne. What kind of colours would you like? I'm up at Woodgate again now because my Grandfather died on Monday and we had the funeral yesterday. It was a good thing in the end, because he was desperately unhappy and wanted to go.
Please say Happy Birthday to Simone for me when you see her, and I'll be in touch soon.
Love those felt balls!!
HI Louise,
I'll get on to the fabric thing for you when I get back to Melbourne. What kind of colours would you like? I'm up at Woodgate again now because my Grandfather died on Monday and we had the funeral yesterday. It was a good thing in the end, because he was desperately unhappy and wanted to go.
Please say Happy Birthday to Simone for me when you see her, and I'll be in touch soon.
Love those felt balls!!
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