I made this scarf for James, now that he is living down your end of the world Reb. He has actually used it quite a bit! One day he wore it while we sweltered up here! The wool was given to me by James' "mother in law" so it's done the circle. The pattern is in Knitty. I love Knitty! It is a fun thing to knit, watching the waves appear as you go. It took me........a year to do! I started it in Ecuador last year when Marcus was sick in bed and so little. Once he started moving around I had to put it on hold until we had an apartment that we could have a light on in the living room and not have it shine in on the baby!!! Check out my lovely orange woven wrap that I bought in Chile. They were everywhere down there, why didn't I buy more?!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
More use down your end!
I made this scarf for James, now that he is living down your end of the world Reb. He has actually used it quite a bit! One day he wore it while we sweltered up here! The wool was given to me by James' "mother in law" so it's done the circle. The pattern is in Knitty. I love Knitty! It is a fun thing to knit, watching the waves appear as you go. It took me........a year to do! I started it in Ecuador last year when Marcus was sick in bed and so little. Once he started moving around I had to put it on hold until we had an apartment that we could have a light on in the living room and not have it shine in on the baby!!! Check out my lovely orange woven wrap that I bought in Chile. They were everywhere down there, why didn't I buy more?!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Kitsch cusine
After Michel's dad ( a baker) pointed out how much crap they put in biscuits these days, I decided to make my own for our little emperador. I was really keen to get going on my bikkie batch a week when I found mum's Good Housekeeping's Cake Making (4th edition printed in 1953). It was awarded to her in 1959, she can't remember why. It's well worn, and it has very simple variations on different biscuits and cakes as well as tips. The great thing is that you don't need lots of fancy ingredients (unless you consider dripping as fancy..... a bit exotic these days) basically it's butter (or other fats) flour, and flavours. It does get fancy later, but am not into the big buffy pink things!! It's advertised as having coloured plates!!!
I have been working through the biscuit section, and may move onto basic cakes! We can't get past the "dam pops" (jam drops) though. They are egg free, this is before allergy free cooking, so I can give them to my non eggie friends.....we love them for the jam!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Just flippin about while my little mister builds towers.....he can spend hours doing this. And I found this printed fabric site.....I wish I had a tonne of money!
Can't say which one I love the most. But I know you love Nasturtiums, Reb.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wednesday is South Bank day
Now that summer is here, we hop on our bike and head off to South Bank for our morning splash! I don't know if you have seen this Reb. It is really wonderful and lots of artists have contributed to the water features. Our favs are the map of Brisbane rivers (in the blue) and the Map of the city (yellow). We like to stand were we used to live when M was born, and where we live now, and where daddy works! Sorry I've doubled up on one pic and can't figure out how to remove it without removing all. Days like these make me love, love, Brisbane life!
Monday, September 14, 2009
A new find
This woman makes beautiful things, has some very original photo ideas.....and is a shoeaholic...a woman after my own heart!
Check out her flicker photos
Sunday, September 13, 2009
car o rama continues
.......... so, I over estimated on the car fabric for the bed and now have meters of the stuff! Here is a nappy bag I made. It fits three nappies and a flat wet wipes pack. The lining is an old business shirt of Michel's. He always buys very good quality cotton shirts for work, I always loathe to give them up once the cuffs and necks have gone. So I figure this is a good way to use all the really nice spare bits like the backs and fronts. I have to buy some velcro to close it, thus preventing everything falling out and swimming around in bag.
Stay tuned for more car fabric, as I am planning on making a few more bags, also recovering as much of Marcus' push chair as I can.
Car o rama
I bought some bright fabric with different cars on it to recover Marcus' sun bed. The original cover was a very cool, but very stained orange 70s flower design, covered by a very 80s light green fabric. I was given it by a friend's sister. It took a lot of organising to move it, store it, get the staple gun, talk super clean hubby into taking it on, getting time away from Marcus to do it etc etc. I love it! So does he, and more importantly so does Marcus!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Below is a photo of us in the 70s. James and I have the boots on. I can't remember having the photo taken, but I remember grandma and grandad's garden! In particular the garden shed, it was grandad's wood work shed. I used to go in there with him and hammer things, I loved the smell, and whenever I am near wood shavings it takes me back to the happy times with him "working" on our visits to England.
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