Furry, smooth, warm, fluffy, rough, bobbly.....oh what a texture fetish I have! I just love to touch....anything but polyester...touching polyester pants gives me the creeps.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Yoga toes
Finished! The finished Blair witch project I was doing earlier. A yoga friend from work is going to live in Russia...she is moving in winter!! I thought she might like to keep her feet warm whilst doing yoga. The colour blue? What colour is Krishna?
The text on my heading says it all. I live in Brisbane Australia, where you don't get much woolie weather. I love my yoga, walking, and cycling with my bub.
I suspect Krishna is all colours! You're a clever little chicky (or 2?) aren't you?
very FAME! Great colour too!
I wanna live forever...learn how to fly to the sky.. HIGH!!..
they are great!
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